


35.15 MB


Description of Wellable

Wellable APK is an Android app that is designed to help users improve health and wellness and developed by Wellable LLC. It offers a range of features to help users adopt healthy habits and reach fitness goals. These include activity tracking, goal setting, nutritional tracking, and social support.

It also offers challenges and rewards to keep users motivated and engaged in health journey.

In addition to its user-friendly interface and range of features, the latest Wellable application is highly customizable. Users can tailor the app to their specific needs by setting personalized goals, selecting preferred activities, and tracking progress over time.

Features of The Wellable App

  • Track physical activity throughout the day, including steps taken, distance traveled, and calories
  • set personalized goals for their health and wellness, such as reaching a certain number of steps each day or completing a specific workout
  • The app includes a food diary feature, allowing users to track their daily food intake and monitor their nutritional intake
  • It offers challenges and rewards to keep users motivated and engaged in their health journey. Users can compete with others in challenges, earn rewards for meeting goals, and even donate to charity
  • Users can connect with friends and family through the app to share progress, offer support, and stay motivated together
  • Wellable latest version is highly customizable, allowing users to tailor the app to their specific needs and preferences. Users can select preferred activities, set personalized goals, and track progress over time.

How To Use Wellable App

  1. First, download Wellable APK and install the app. You don’t have to pay any money on it.
  2. Then, create an account by entering your name, email address, and a password.
  3. After creating your account, set up your profile by entering your age, gender, height, and weight.
  4. Choose your preferred activities and set personalized goals for your health and wellness.
  5. Begin tracking your daily physical activity by using the app to log your steps, distance, and calories burned.
  6. By using the app's food diary feature, you can track your daily food intake and monitor your nutritional intake.
  7. Join challenges to compete with others, earn rewards, and even donate to charity.
  8. Connect with friends and family through the app to share progress, offer support, and stay motivated together.
  9. Use the app's customization options to tailor the experience to your specific needs and preferences.


Wellable is a comprehensive and user-friendly tool designed to help users improve their health and wellness. It is a powerful tool for anyone looking to improve their health and wellness. Its comprehensive approach to fitness and wellness, combined with its user-friendly design and customization options, make it an excellent choice for anyone looking to adopt healthy habits and lead a more active lifestyle.

Users should use the Wellable APK to improve their health and wellness by tracking their physical activity, monitoring their nutritional intake, setting personalized goals, and staying motivated with challenges and social support. Overall, it is a highly recommended tool for anyone looking to improve their health and wellness in a fun, engaging, and sustainable way.


35.15 MB

Technical Information
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    35.15 MB
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